Dark Skies Policy
At its recent meeting, the Parish Council adopted a Dark Skies policy. The policy sets out some guidance which residents are being asked to follow:
• Turn off exterior lights - don’t leave porch or security lights burning all night long.
• Use exterior lighting which is controlled by a sensor.
• Reduce spillage from windows and roof lights – use thick curtains or blackout blinds.
• Light only what is necessary – trip hazards, steps.
• Use carefully directed lighting using cones, shades, and appropriate aiming angles to ensure that light is only shone in the direction needed.
• Do not use upward facing ground lights or illuminated bollards.
• Be careful of colour temperatures – LED lights are typically high. Aim for lights with a colour temperature of between 1750 - 3000 Kelvin This will minimise the more harmful blue wavelengths.
The full policy is below.
Stow Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Parish Council's response to the Regulation 19 Consultation on the Stow NDP is below.
Lower Oddington Bollards
We have now received proposals from GCC Highways for the installation of wooden bollards in Lower Oddington. (See plan below). We understand that they will be installed before the end of this financial year. There will need to be a road closure to allow for the installation.
Lower Oddington Car Park
CDC consultation on the Fox Car Park has now closed. Comments are still awaited from the Statutory Consultees.
The Freedom of the Parish
The Chairman of Oddington Parish Council was delighted to award the Freedom of the Parish to Ted Miles at a special reception held on Saturday 30 September. The Freedom of the Parish is the highest award that the Council can give and recognises Ted's huge contribution to life in Oddington.
Berry Bank Amphitheatre
The Cotswold District Council Planning Committee recently consider the Berry Bank Amphtheatre planning application. The decision notice is below.
Daylesford Fesitval
The Parish Council raised with Lady Bamford's office its concerns about the traffic management for the Daylesford Festival. Their response is below.
Thank you for your email, which as you know I have forwarded internally for comment.
This year, we scaled up support for our internal teams at the Summer Festival by engaging a third-party production company, precisely to try and ensure the event ran without impact to the local community, and with health and safety at the forefront. As part of the traffic planning, the team engaged with colleagues at Cotswolds District Council to work collaboratively to agree the right approach.
We cannot apologise enough for the impact on residents from the heavy traffic on the roads for a period of the day on Saturday. As soon as we became aware of the situation, the teams worked as quickly as possible to remedy the issue, and there was no repeat of challenges with traffic flow from Saturday late afternoon through until the festival finished on the Sunday.
Please accept our most sincere apologies.
There are currently no plans for another Summer Festival of this magnitude, and in addition we have cancelled The Country Brocante, The Christmas Cotswold Fair and Gifford’s Circus for the coming year. Should there be another event on this scale hosted at the Farm, we will ensure that the road management plan is robust with sensitivity to the local villages, and in particular, Oddington.
With best wishes,
Office of Lady Bamford