The Council meets at least seven times a year on Thursday evenings at the Village Hall. All meetings are open to the public. Meeting agendas are displayed on the village noticeboards and on this web site at the end of the week preceding the meeting. Additional meetings may be called to consider planning applications or urgent matters.
Oddington Parish Council is the first tier of local government, with seven councillors representing the village. The Council has an annual budget of a little over £8,000 and is responsible for the playground and for arranging grass cutting on the verges and the greens.
The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on all applications for planning approval and makes comments to Cotswold District Council. Planning applications can be viewed on the CDC website.
Cotswold District Council is responsible for collecting rubbish If residents experience any problems with the waste collection, including missed collections they can report this to the District Council via the CDC website.
The roads in the village are the responsibility of Gloucestershire County Council. The Parish Council is in close contact with officers from the Highways Department. If you become aware of any problems with the roads, particularly dangerous pot holes, please contact your councillors or the clerk. Please visit the GCC website for details of road works, weather conditions etc.
Oddington Playground is owned and maintained by the Parish Council. In 2012 it was refurbished at at cost of £30,000 funded by grants and donations. The play area now includes a wide range of equipment which appeals to children of all ages. The new play area was opened in June 2012 by the then Chairman of the Parish Council as part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. A new 'Coronation' slide was added in 2023