The Parish Council is consultaing on a draft Plan for the Village. Please send any comments to the Parish Clerk by the end of August. Thank you.
A summary of comments received from residents is below.
Village Meeting 2024 Consultation
Many thanks to all those who atttended the Annual Meeting to take part in the Parish Council's consultation. A summary of all the comments made can be found below. The Parish Council will now be working these comments into a draft plan for the village. This will be circulated to residents inviting them to make any further comments.
Bollards, Lower Oddington
The plan below gives an indication of the location of the bollards to be installed in Lower Oddington.
Consultation on the installation of bollards in Lower Oddington January 2023
Lower Oddington Residents Parking Survey April 2021
A submission from Oddington Parish Council to Cotswold District Council.
Oddington Parish Council and a group of local residents have carried out a survey of residents parking in Lower Oddington.
A map and spread sheet showing detailed findings will be submitted to CDC Planning for their consideration. In summary:
In the Transport statement the applicant concludes that 6 parking spaces to the provided by the Fox is adequate for 80 covers (rising to 170 on Sunday lunches) plus a net increase of 4 guest bedrooms (ie 7 in total) and goes on to state there is ‘plenty of road parking’. There is no estimate of the number of cars likely to be generated by the business but it seems safe to assume that there could be at least an additional 50 vehicles in the village on a busy day. The Parish Council survey demonstrates that there is already a shortfall in street parking spaces and we reiterate our request that the application should be required to provide a substantial area of car parking as part of the development.
Many thanks to those who attended the informal consultation meeting on 5 October 2019. Residents raised a number of issues including:
The need to reduce speed on the A436.
Possible ways to address concerns about speeding and parking in the village such as:
20 mph speed limit through village
Speed Watch sessions
Cutting back overgrown foliage to improve visibility
Weight and width restrictions, double yellow lines and a one way system.
The maintenance of local footpaths.
These all fall within the remit of Gloucestershire County Council so the Parish Council will be talking to GCC Cllr Moor about how best to move these forward.
Parking in Lower Oddington. Currnet status: White 'advisory' have been painted and the Council is montitoring their impact.
Housing Needs Survey. Current status. Complete.