Sunday 30 June from 2pm
Sunday 20 October - Evening Prayer at Holy Ascension 6pm.
Thursday 24 October - Oddington Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall at 6.30pm.
Sunday 3 November - United Service at Holy Ascension 10.30 am.
Sunday 3 November - Rejoice Evening Service at Holy Ascension 6pm.
Sunday 10 November at the War Memorial. A short Act of Remembrance at 11 am followed by coffee in the Village Hall.
Saturday 30 November - Christmas Tea at the Village Hall followed by Lights Switch at 6pm.
Friday 6 December at St Nicolas - Holy Communion by candlelight with Advent hymns and bell ringers. Service at 6 pm followed by mulled wine and mince pies.
Saturday 14 December - The Great Oddington Breakfast at the Village Hall.
Tuesday 24 December - Candlelit service at St Nicholas at 6pm.
The Oddlympics is coming to Oddington. Sunday 30 June from 2pm. By the Village Hall. Something for all the family. Free Entry. Live music, bouncy castle, food and bar.
(immediately following the 6pm Parish Council Meeting)
Your Village : Your say
Your chance to express your ideas for the village and to be involved in the preparation of a Plan for Oddington
(whilst enjoying a glass of wine!)
December 19. Christmas Film Night at the Village Hall. 7 for 7.30pm. 'Miracle on 34th Street'
December 24th. Carols and Christmas Communion by candlight at 6pm. St Nicholas.
Christmas Traditions in Oddington
In Oddington we have our own tradition – the Christmas Breakfast. It’s wonderful to see so many return year after year from near and far, for traditional fare of porridge with whiskey, followed by the full English. Great fun as always and the capacity of some (who shall remain nameless) to tuck away just one more sausage is quite remarkable. And this year we also tried something new. Not a tradition yet, but it might just become one. Afternoon tea followed by the Christmas Tree lighting. Delicious savouries were served and a range of awesome cakes were devoured. We had a Santas Grotto and the Oddington Choir made their debut.
Outside we were served delicious Mulled Wine and Mince pies, 3 sets of lights all coming on simultaneously and the Choir leading the Carols. Over 100 people there. It felt like the start of a Christmas tradition. Thanks to so many for all the hard work and a special thanks to our friends at the Horse and Groom and the Fox for their kind support.